Family Affair
Carolyn Singh
Just recently I was asked, “What makes you smile?”
All kinds of things make me smile.
Living things - people, animals, plants.
Specific people, family, and friends make me smile.
Clouds, sunshine-
Paint- I mean real paint, not wall paint.
Canvas not so much, but it is very useful-
Charcoal, believe it or not-
Clay- all kinds of clay-
Pearls make me smile.
Poets, at least the few I know, make me smile.
Music makes me smile.
Painting makes me smile.
It is such a beautiful world, and such a privilege to live in it-
when I think of it as a whole I am overwhelmed.
It's the specifics that can sometime give me the pip. That seems true of everyone.
Family is probably the single most important source of smiles in anyone’s life.
Without the cooperation of Shiva and Shakti, families could not exist.
Beautiful bowls make the ritual of sharing food memorable.
Individuals must make hard decisions so families can thrive.
Memories, prayers and hope – this is the way we hold ourselves and our families together.
Families can make us and sometimes break us.
They make us what we are.
May your family make you smile-
Carolyn Singh 2011

From top left to right bottom:
Flowers of Life I 22" X 30"
Transparent watercolor on handmade paper. Shown in Texas; Berlin, Germany; and New Mexico. Award: 1994. First of four in series about a Shiva/Shakti myth. ©1994
Flowers of Life II 22" X 30"
Transparent watercolor on handmade paper. Shown in Texas and Berlin, Germany. Second of four in series. ©1994
Flowers of Life III 22" X 30"
Transparent watercolor on handmade paper. Shown in Texas and Berlin, Germany. Third of four in series. ©1996
Flowers of Life IV 22" X 30"
Transparent watercolor on handmade paper. Shown in Texas and Berlin, Germany. Fourth of four in series. ©1996
Dreamline Gavotte 11 3/4" X 11 3/4" X 5 1/8"
Large hand formed whiteware bowl with added foot. Abstracted foliate sgraffito drawing through light blue terra sigillata with colored oxide inlay. Clear glazed. Food safe. ©2003
Left to right:
Kentucky Memory 5 5/8" X 6 1/4" X 3 3/4"
Hand built whiteware vessel with added foot and handles. Engraved patterns loosely based on African textile motifs. Engraving stained with cobalt oxide under milk white glaze. Food safe. © 2003
No.59-Follow Your Heart 7” X 5” X 1 ¾”
Mixed media on painting board. © 2011
No.75-By the Seaside 7” X 5” X 1 ¾”
Mixed media on painting board. © 2011

Top left to bottom right:
Susanna, with Lily 23” X 29”
Graphite and prisma stix on paper. ©2011
No.64-Light, Love, Life 7” X 5” X 1 ¾”
Mixed media on painting board. © 2011
Dilemma 23" X 31 1/2"
Pastel on paper. Shown in Texas; New Mexico; Kansas; and Berlin, Germany. ©1993
Syncopation 11 5/8" x 13" x 3 7/8"
Large hand formed, hand colored stoneware bowl, with added foot and handles. Base clay colored hot pinkish orange by the addition of colored oxides. Painted and stained in green, burgundy, maroon, and purple. clear glazed. Food safe. ©2005
Summer Heat 13" X 12 3/4" X 3 3/4"
Hand formed whiteware unfooted vessel with pinched rim. Slip painted in greens and blues, then carved through slips to white ground in foliate motifs interior and exterior. Food safe. ©2003
No.43- Sweet Dreams 7” X 5” X 1 ¾”
Mixed media on painting board. © 2011
NO.62-Blue Horse 7” X 5” X 1 ¾”
Mixed media on painting board. © 2011
Critical Juncture 29 1/2" X 22"
Transparent watercolor on paper. Shown in Arizona. ©1991
NO.62-Blue Horse 7” X 5” X 1 ¾”
Mixed media on painting board. © 2011
Sign/Symbol 9 1/2" X 10 1/2" X 3"
Hand formed whiteware bowl with added foot and pinched rim. Sgraffito drawing through grey green base. Signs/symbols painted in multiple colors. Clear glazed. Food safe. © 2004
No.70-Jade Horse 7” X 5” X 1 ¾”
Mixed media on painting board. © 2011
Detailed images of each piece! Please visit again soon.
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